The RA Education development plan until 2030 envisages increasing the professional employment rate of alumni to 90%. For this purpose, ANQA has developed a formative assessment model and initiated an international peer review of the RA VET system, targeting employment-oriented formative assessment.
During May 6-10, as part of the Erasmus+ SMARTI project, a five-day training took place at the Riga Technical University, Latvia.
On May 17, ANQA held a meeting with the expert panels from five VET institutions subject to accreditation.
On May 21-23, Armenia will host the ETF Forum for Quality Assurance in VET.
The Accreditation Committee, in its session on May 10, decided to grant institutional accreditation to the University of Traditional Medicine of Armenia for a period of four years.
The Steering Committee of ESU’s Quality Assurance ( ...
The objectives of the workshop are:
...National Center for Professional Education Quality Assura ...