On October 28-30, as part of the institutional accreditation process, ANQA’s expert panel conducts external review at the Kapan State Medical College.
On October 25, ANQA conducted online monitoring at the College of Shirak State University after M. Nalbandyan. The aim was to observe the education institution’s quality assurance processes and the resulting changes.
On October 24, ANQA conducted online monitoring at the Tavush Regional College named after Patrick Devedjian. The aim was to identify the progress of the education institution’s follow-up plan, the achievements and current issues.
Upcoming site visits for institutional accreditation are scheduled for three VET institutions, namely Kapan State Medical College, Berd State Multifunctional College and State Music College named after Romanos Melikyan.
On October 18, ANQA held a meeting with representatives from 16 VET institutions scheduled for state-funded institutional accreditation in 2026. The meeting discussions covered the accreditation process, its phases and timelines, as well as clarified the accreditation schedule for each institution.
The Steering Committee of ESU’s Quality Assurance ( ...
The objectives of the workshop are:
...National Center for Professional Education Quality Assura ...