How to leverage formative assessment opportunities and promote the preparation of alumni understanding the employer context, thereby supplying the labour market with skilled and competitive specialists? Armenia will receive recommendations from reputable experts of 15 countries in this direction.
This year, Armenia will host the ETF Forum for Quality Assurance in VET. As part of the event, the RA’s VET system will undergo a peer review process, with a focus on the learners’ formative assessment and cooperation with employers.
On February 13-14, ANQA held training courses for experts. The two-day courses aimed to prepare experts of relevant professions for institutional accreditation. They should be able to combine facts gathered from the VET institutions, analyse and identify major institutional issues, recognize best practices and provide targeted recommendations for enhancement.
One of ANQA’s 15-year achievements is the "Students’ Voice" project. Since its inception, the "Students’ Voice" project has been more than just a platform for student unity and expression. It served as a source of inspiration, a starting point for careers and a tool for building a quality culture.
The Accreditation Committee, in its session on February 15, decided to grant institutional accreditation to the Yerevan State Humanitarian-Technical College for a period of four years.
The Accreditation Committee, in its session on February 15, decided to grant institutional accreditation to the Yerevan Regional State College N 2 named after N. Achemyan for a period of four years.
The Steering Committee of ESU’s Quality Assurance ( ...
The objectives of the workshop are:
...National Center for Professional Education Quality Assura ...