On June 6-7th, a workshop was held within the TEMPUS TNE_QA project dedicated to the results of the pilot accreditation of Georgian and Armenian universities providing transnational education. The workshop took place at Bath Spa University, UK. Specialists of ANQA also participated in the workshop and made reports.
During the two-day workshop, the Standards and Criteria for the TNE_QA after pilot accreditation were discussed and recommendations for improvement were made.
ANQA director Ruben Topchyan made a report on “TNE_QA national level policy in the Armenian context: integration of the project results into the overall national level policy for Armenia”. And Ani Mkrtchyan, Responsible for ANQA IQA and coordinator of the TNE_QA project in ANQA, made a report on the following topic: “Implementation of Standards and Criteria for the TNE_QA in Armenia at HEI level: issues and challenges of IQA from the EQA perspectives”.
Georgian colleagues from NCEQE also presented their practice and results achieved within the project.
The specialists of the UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning, European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), Bath Spa University and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) presented their reviews of the project results and enhancement recommendations.
TNE_QA (PROMOTING QUALITY AND RECOGNITION OF TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION IN ARMENIA AND GEORGIA) is a three-year multi-country project. The wider objective is to enhance quality, and promote regulation and recognition of transnational education provisions in Armenia and Georgia through establishing internal Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and external (EQA) quality assurance mechanisms in line with OECD/UNESCO guidelines.