The Bologna Ministerial Conference is scheduled for May 29-30, in Tirana. Prior to this event, the BFUG TPGs will summarize the activities from 2021-2024 and the plan the upcoming four years. On April 18-19, the final meeting of the TPG A on Qualifications Framework as part of peer learning activity on Future Skills and Learning Outcomes was held in Tallinn. Armenia was represented by Ani Mkrtchyan, specialist of ANQA’s Internal Quality Assurance. As part of the meeting, the specialists from the EHEA member countries discussed the characteristics of the present-day's HEI alumni and the necessary skills for future alumni. The panel discussion identified the capacities and skills that could be sought after in the future. The latest changes within the European Qualifications Framework, different countries’ practice on the learning outcomes were presented. On April 19, the draft of the main directions of the Tirana Communiqué were presented and further activities and plans were discussed. Ani Mkrtchyan, ANQA’s representative, participated in the panel discussion on the future priorities of the TPG A, suggesting a focus on the following:
- formation of transdisciplinary capacities;
- possibilities for digitalization of processes and relevant tools for enhancing the quality of teaching and learning;
- green education.
The meeting participants also attached importance to the activities towards the credible award of micro-credentials. It should be noted that the ANQA participates and contributes to the activities of the BFUG TPG A on Qualifications Framework and TPG C on Quality Assurance.