On November 21, ANQA conducted an online monitoring of the internal quality assurance system at the Vanadzor State Art School named after Michael Tavrizyan.
During the monitoring, meeting discussions were held with the education institution’s director and vice director, heads of chairs, teachers, quality assurance manager and students.
The discussions focused on the methodology and processes for the quality assurance of academic programmes, as well as identification and response to the needs of students and teachers. In the effective organisation of vocational education, an importance was attached to the feasible mechanisms for internal quality assurance, resource planning, and data-driven decision-making.
A reference was also made to the following issues:
- the annual planning of quality assurance processes and the formation of a quality culture;
- the policy for the replenishment of the teaching staff and the activities to attract young teachers;
- the time allocated for general education subjects and their teaching effectiveness;
- the issue of insufficient infrastructure and material resources, the potential for exploring alternative financial sources and attracting investments;
- the increase in the internship duration and its impact on effectiveness;
- the methodology used for student assessment, the importance of formative assessment.
The regular organisation of master classes with the participation of renowned representatives of the art sector was emphasised as a way to familiarise students with external cooperation, industry updates and labour market needs.
At the end of the monitoring, ANQA’s specialists identified the education institution’s best practices and areas in need of enhancement.