On May 29-30, the Ministerial Conference of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the Global Policy Forum took place in Tirana, the capital of Albania. Ruben Topchyan, ANQA’s director, participated in the Conference as a member of the RA delegation.
The Conference agenda included the following:
- presentation of best practices and discussion on challenges of implementing the key commitments of the Bologna process;
- transnational cooperation and EHEA mobility;
- HEIs' role in preparing for future professions, including the responsible use of AI in research and education;
- internationalisation and balanced mobility;
- opportunities and challenges for the recognition of academic qualifications;
- mobility and internationalisation as tools for building bridges between macro-regions;
- global perspectives and strategy for the quality assurance of higher education.
As part of the Conference, the EHEA’s education policy makers discussed the following issues:
- prospects and challenges in the quality assurance of higher education,
- directions for enhancing the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG),
- possibility of developing regional frameworks for quality assurance through the harmonisation of quality assurance principles and processes,
- opportunities and challenges for the recognition of academic qualifications;
- quality assurance processes for micro-credentials;
- role of quality assurance system in implementing research and education in the age of AI.
As part of the Conference, the Tirana Ministerial Communiqué and the Global Policy Forum Statement were approved.