On September 11, ANQA carried out monitoring at the Yerevan State College of Light Industry. The education institution was granted conditional institutional accreditation for two years in 2022.
Within the scope of monitoring, ANQA’s specialists had meeting discussions with the education institution’s management staff, heads of chairs, teachers, students and quality assurance managers.
The discussion focused on the following:
- the impact of accreditation on the education institution;
- the implementation of the follow-up plan, achievements and challenges;
- the process of academic programmes’ monitoring and enhancement;
- the practice of formative assessment in the education institution;
- the annual planning of quality assurance activities, mechanisms for data collection and their use in the decision-making process.
The discussion with education institution’s representatives also covered the effectiveness and potential challenges of the current distribution between general and professional subjects, the need for interdisciplinary cooperation and joint classes, as well as the possibility of implementing work-based learning in certain professions.
At the end of the monitoring, ANQA’s specialists identified the education institution’s best practice and areas in need for enhancement.