Based on the results of ENQA’s external review, in 2022, ANQA applied for the renewal of membership in EQAR.
ENQA’s review panel gave a positive conclusion on ANQA’s activity in terms of compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
On the basis of the conclusion, EQAR made a decision to approve ANQA’s membership for another five years.
ANQA’s registration in EQAR makes the Armenian higher education system more visible in the international arena. The self-evaluation reports of the HEIs that have been granted institutional accreditation by ANQA, are also available in DEQAR. That will enable both Armenian and international students to get comprehensive information on accredited educational institutions and make a decision about their studies.
EQAR is a network that brings together quality assurance agencies operating in accordance with ESG.