On October 25, ANQA conducted online monitoring at the College of Shirak State University after M. Nalbandyan. The aim was to observe the education institution’s quality assurance processes and the resulting changes.
As part of the online monitoring, meeting-discussions were held with the education institution’s management staff, heads of chairs, teachers, students and the quality assurance manager.
The following issues were the focus:
- How does the education institution adapt the state academic standards, how involved are employers in this process?
- How is the academic programmes’ internal evaluation and enhancement process conducted?
- How does the education institution evaluate the effectiveness of changes in the academic programmes and the achievement of intended outcomes?
- What is the practice of formative assessment in the education institution? What student assignments arise from the employer environment?
- How do internships take place and how is their effectiveness evaluated?
- What methodology does the education institution use to identify and address the teacher needs? How often are professional trainings conducted?
- How prepared are the education institutions’ alumni to immediately enter the labour market?
The discussions also covered the education institution’s annual QA plan, the system’s priorities and the use of data from the QA activities in the decision-making process.
At the end of the monitoring, during the meeting with the management staff of the education institution, the main outcomes of the monitoring were summarised, highlighting the institution’s best practice and areas in need for enhancement.