On September 13, the ENQA Board considered and gave a positive evaluation of the follow-up report arising from ANQA’s external review conducted in 2022.
The ENQA Board thanked ANQA for a comprehensive update on the reforms and initiatives undertaken in the RA education sector. The Board particularly highlighted ANQA’s proactive approach in addressing ENQA’s expert panel’s recommendations. ENQA pointed out a number of key achievements, including:
- the solution to involving the international experts in the agency’s governance through the Advisory Group;
- the extensive work on thematic analysis;
- the initial steps taken towards establishing a formal complaints procedure.
This represents another important step in ANQA’s ongoing efforts to enhance the higher education quality in Armenia and align it with European standards.
Following the report approval, the expert panel will make a progress visit to ANQA.
It should be noted that ANQA has been ENQA’s full member since 2017.