On January 22, ANQA hosted a workshop of Armenian stakeholders of the Erasmus+ QA4VET project. The workshop was attended by representatives from ANQA, the "Armenian Center for Educational Policy and Management" NGO, Yerevan Regional State College № 2 named after N. Achemyan and Vardenis Medical-Humanitarian College.
During the event, the discussions focused on the national partners’ upcoming activities and timeline as part of the QA4VET project. It was emphasised that the project outcomes should benefit not only the development of the participating VET institutions, but also the the entire VET system.
The QA4VET project aims to enhance the VET quality in Armenia, developing and implementing pilot accreditation processes and tools that support quality assurance in VET institutions, fostering the formation of education quality culture. .
The coordinator of the QA4VET (Implementing Mock Accreditation for supporting quality assurance in Armenian VET institutions) project is the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in School Education (ARACIP). The Armenian partners are ANQA, Yerevan Regional State College No. 2 named after N. Achemyan, Vardenis Medical-Humanitarian College, and the "Armenian Center for Educational Policy and Management" NGO. The project also involves a German partner, INVOLAS Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Labor Market and Social Policy.