On September 30, ANQA carried out monitoring of the internal quality assurance system at the College of the Crisis Management State Academy of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs (secondary vocational academic programme).
During the visit, meeting discussions were held with the education institution’s rector and vice-rectors, heads of chairs, teachers, quality assurance manager and students.
The discussions focused on the education institution’s quality assurance activities, strategic and data-driven management.
As part of the academic programme (AP) enhancement, an importance was attached to the clear assessment criteria for student assignments, teachers’ lesson planning and mechanisms to ensure the achievement of the intended outcomes.
A reference was also made to the following issues:
- the integration of a research component into the educational process, the mechanisms fostering research activities among students and teachers;
- the international collaborations, within which, opportunities for teacher exchange and capacity building;
- the importance of promptly and effectively conveying the accumulated knowledge to students, as well as organising practical learning;
- the development of stress resistance and the capacity to respond appropriately and make decisions across all professional fields and levels in emergency situations;
- the development of teamwork and collaboration skills through assignments;
- the effectiveness of teaching general education subjects within a short timeframe, the mechanisms for the link between general and professional subjects.
The importance of engaging students with different abilities in the same lesson through various assignments and developing relevant knowledge and skills was underscored. It was emphasised that student-centeredness is a process starting from lesson planning to designing lessons tailored to the individual needs of each student.
At the end of the monitoring, ANQA’s specialists identified the education institution’s best practices and areas in need of enhancement.