From March 15-18, the ANQA expert panel will conduct a site visit to Shirak State University after M. Nalbandyan (SHSU) within the framework of institutional accreditation.
The University (formerly "Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute after M. Nalbandyan" SNCO; by the RA Government Decree N1031-N, dated September 22, 2016, "Shirak State University after M. Nalbandyan" Foundation was recognized as the legal successor of "Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute after M. Nalbandyan" SNCO) was first accredited by the National Centre for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA) in 2016, for a period of 4 years.
On the first day of the site visit, the panel met with the rector, vice-rectors, Board of Trustees, deans, heads of departments, and employers. The expert panel also reviewed the university resources.
During the second cycle of accreditation, in parallel with the visits, professional meetings and discussions take place with the responsible persons, teachers and students of the "Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology", "Informatics and Applied Mathematics", and "Biology" academic programmes.
The head of the expert panel is Armenuhi Mheryan, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. The members of the panel are Karen Dilbaryan, Senior Lecturer at the Chair of "Pharmacology", Yerevan State Medical University, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Heghine Ohanyan, Head of the Chair of "Mathematics and Informatics", Vanadzor State University after H. Tumanyan, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Karen Mastoyan, student of the "Computer Engineering" Master's Degree Programme at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Gavar State University. The international expert is Olga Safonkina, Vice Dean for International Cooperation at Ogarev Mordovia State University.
The coordinator of the expert panel is Anahit Terteryan, specialist at the ANQA Institutional and Programme Accreditation Division.
After the visit, the expert panel will prepare a report, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of the university, and will provide recommendations on the improvement. The university, in turn, will prepare a follow-up plan based on the expert report. The ANQA Accreditation Committee will make a decision based on the mentioned documents.