On April 23, ANQA conducted a monitoring of the internal quality assurance system at the Ararat State College. During the monitoring, observations were made regarding the work of the internal quality assurance system, its effectiveness and contribution to the enhancement of educational processes. As part of the monitoring, meetings were held with the institution’s management staff, teaching staff, quality assurance managers and students.
The primary directions of the monitoring included:
- enhancing and aligning the academic programmes with the demands of the labour market in cooperation with employers;
- identifying opportunities for the training and professional development of the teaching staff;
- adopting an institutional approach to the selected assessment tools and methods;
- attaching importance to the development of internal quality assurance system in terms of data collection and data-based reforms;
- emphasizing the importance of the PDCA cycle in the institution’s internal quality assurance system;
- highlighting the importance of creating platforms for the exchange of employer-teacher practice to facilitate the dissemination of best practices.
At the end of the meeting, ANQA’s specialists discussed the main areas for enhancement with the institution’s management staff. An importance was attached to the role of internal quality assurance system in the identification of issues and continuous enhancement of educational processes. Let us note that the Ararat State College was accredited in 2021.