Muzio M. Gola, the Vice rector for Quality, Evaluation and Accreditation of Polytechnic of Torino was the guest of ANQA. The guest presented the international and Italian experience of quality assurance, but he noticed that in this area the Nederland had the best practice. According to Muzio M. Gola, the best way of quality assurance and evaluation in national level is the localization, adaptation and application of good practices of European countries.
The main aim of national agencies should be designing of guidelines and tools, which will make the process of quality assurance as easy and transparent as possible. The guest presented the experience of Polytechnic of Torino, which has started to perform this process by the electronic document circulation system.
The bureaucracy is not the best option of acquaintance with the real situation in higher education institutions. The main functions of national agencies are training of higher education institution staff, providing advice, and the effective coordination of their functioning.
According to the guest, the main goals of national foundations should be creating a comprehensive information database on educational institutions and their abilities, the evaluation of self-administration and self-assessment skills of higher education institutions, as well as supporting of quality assurance ideas. According to Muzio M. Gola it is very important for national agencies to have a clear vision of needs of different stakeholders in labor market and try to comply with them.