Today continued working the “Fostering Quality Culture in Armenian Tertiary Education System: Ensuring Recognition of Qualifications” stakeholder conference. The two-day conference started yesterday on December 4th.
The ANQA specialist Varduhi Gyulazyan summarized the outcomes of previous day’s discussions, then Vahan Mamyan, ANQA expert and head of the ArmSPU practice division, with Armine Yaralyan, ANQA expert student, presented the peculiarities of communication with stakeholders within the experts’ reports and the specifications of professional vocabulary.
Ruben Topchyan, ANQA director, and Anushavan Makaryan, Head of ANQA’s institutional and programme accreditation division, presented ANQA’s experiment in programme accreditation, and discussed the ongoing phase of programme accreditation. Mr. Makaryan mentioned that for HEIs that had passed institutional accreditation, there will be nothing unknown in the new process. According to accreditation statute only universities that had passed institutional accreditation, will be able to pass programme accreditation. ANQA can give an expert’s conclusion to other universities but accreditation committee will not make a decision. The financial policy of programme accreditation was also discussed.
The Belgian expert Romain Hulpia made a report on peculiarities of programme accreditation and Catherine Buon, Associate Dean for General Education, Chairperson of Curriculum Committee at American University of Armenia made a report on Institutionalizing Quality Assurance through the Academic Program Review Process. List of specializations and qualifications was discussed with the specialist of RA Ministry of Education and Science Edgar Alexsanyan.
At the end of the day participants had a workshop on effective implementation of the self-evaluation in the programme accreditation processes with international experts Andre Govaert and Romain Hulpia.
The education quality assurance week is summed up with the conference. During the previous days were presented the TEMPUS programmes ARARAT, ALIGN, TNE-QA, ARMENQA and summed up The RA professional education quality assurance system development and improvement “three-phase training.