On November 17, ANQA conducted monitoring at the European College in Armenia. The aim was to observe the education institution’s ongoing quality assurance processes and the resulting changes.
During the visit, ANQA’s specialists had meeting discussions with the education institution’s director, vice directors, heads of chairs, teachers, students and managers of quality assurance.
The discussions focused on the following issues:
- education institution’s strategic priorities and development plans in that direction;
- diversification of financial sources and resource management;
- cooperation with employers, toolset for identifying and responding to the labour market’s needs;
- communication with stakeholders, mechanisms for identifying and responding to their needs;
- mechanisms for the involvement and incentive of the teaching staff, ways to ensure their professional progress;
- quality assurance processes and enhancements of academic programmes;
- good practice in state academic standards’ localization;
- assignments designed to attain outcomes and cultivate practical skills;
- quality assurance system’s role in the identification of the education institution’s problems.
At the end of the monitoring, during the meeting with the management staff of the education institution, the main outcomes of the monitoring were summarized, highlighting the institution’s good practice and directions for enhancement.