On January 30-31, Ruben Topchyan, ANQA’s director and Anahit Terteryan, specialist at the Institutional and Programme Accreditation Division, participated in ETF Forum for Quality Assurance in VET held in Turin.
During the visit, the quality assurance agencies presented the developments and challenges of their countries’ quality assurance processes, exchanged best practices, and discussed the upcoming activities for the current year.
Dr. Topchyan presented the QA processes within the RA’s VET education system, the main challenges of the sector and the solutions offered by ANQA.
As part of this year’s ETF Forum, ANQA, with the support of the ETF, will conduct a review of the RA's VET education system. The Forum’s peer review process aims to assist member countries in modernizing and enhancing the quality assurance processes of the VET system through international cooperation. In the first half of this year, the representatives of the Forum’s members will conduct a peer visit to the RA. They will meet with VET institutions’ policy-making departments, employers and representatives from the VET sector. As part of the process, discussions will also take place in VET institutions.
At the end of the visit, the partners will present recommendations, suggestions and directions for enhancements to continuously develop the system and increase the effectiveness of the implemented processes.