On April 2, Ani Mkrtchyan, ANQA’s responsible for Internal Quality Assurance, participated in the Erasmus + meeting “Inter-project experience exchange on internationalization”, which was aimed at:
- sharing the best practice of completed and ongoing projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ “Capacity building in Higher Education” Action;
- discussing issues and challenges that arose during the implementation of the projects, as well as the suggestions on how to overcome them.
In the second part of the meeting, Ani Mkrtchyan joined the panel discussion “Erasmus+ promoting internationalization: impact, challenges and opportunities”, sharing her insights on the topic. The HEIs’ representatives and a student also presented their perspectives. As part of the discussion, the following points were addressed:
- the importance of quality assurance mechanisms in internationalization;
- the significance of effective implementation of processes aimed at internationalization within the scope of European integration;
- the changes resulting from the first cycle of accreditation in the internationalization context, alongside the situation and challenges encountered in the second cycle of institutional accreditation.
ANQA has always attached importance to internationalization, as reflected in its special emphasis on the External Relations and Internationalization criteria during accreditations, as well as its various activities, particularly engagement in a number of networks and membership in various international organizations.