On November 6, ANQA organised another "Academic Programme Enhancement: Presenting Best Practices" workshop, which was attended by over 70 specialists from various Armenian HEIs.
Attaching importance to the AP enhancement, as well as the identification and dissemination of best practices, ANQA Director Ruben Topchyan noted: "Today, students seek more than just learning facts. They want to learn, analyze, and track their progress all at once". Dr. Topchyan highlighted that the students learn through assignments, and the outcome-based approach implies the formation of problem-solving skills. "Today's teacher should be a problem solver, guiding students how to tackle problems," mentioned Dr. Topchyan.
The Gavar State University representatives, Kanakara Hayrapetyan, head of the Quality Assurance Department, and Varazdat Avetisyan, head of the Chair of Informatics and Physical-Mathematical Sciences, presented the elements of the enhancement and modernisation of bachelor's academic programmes, using the example of the AP "Computer Engineering"
It was noted that the IT sector is developing rapidly, posing a challenge for HEIs to keep up with the fast-changing needs of the labour market. Thus, it was through this AP that the HEI tested the elements it had developed for the enhancement and modernisation of the APs.
Next, the factors driving the modernisation of the AP content and the enhancement areas implemented in the enhancement process were presented:
- the replenishment of the teaching staff;
- the use of new teaching and learning methods;
- the introduction of new criteria for student assessment;
- the benchmarking, as part of which international practice was studied;
- the research activities and scientific innovations
- the study of the stakeholder views and based on this, introduction of new subjects or the enhancement of existing ones;
- the project-based and work-based learning, including the implementation of an internship programme in cooperation with an employer;
- the modernisation of computer laboratories;
- the integration of new education and information technologies into the learning process.
Natella Grigoryan, manager of the AP "History" at the Yerevan State University Ijevan Branch, introduced the practice in the implementation of the AP "History" with a modular structure.
It was noted that they studied the AP "History" of all Armenian HEIs, and then revised their AP with a new approach, resulting in the combination of some courses that shared common outcomes. Additionally, a chronological approach to teaching is implemented, enabling students to study historical developments in both Armenia and the world simultaneously, facilitating comparative analyses. It was highlighted that their study shows how synchronous learning helps students gain a better understanding of the world and historical developments.
After each presentation, participants had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the presented practices.
It should be noted that the "Academic Programme Enhancement: Presenting Best Practices" workshops are held regularly. All specialists or education institutions with practice in the AP enhancement can reach out to ANQA (by emailing info@anqa.am) to share their practice during the next events.