Upcoming site visits for institutional accreditation are scheduled for three VET institutions, namely Kapan State Medical College, Berd State Multifunctional College and State Music College named after Romanos Melikyan.
On October 21, ANQA held a meeting with the participation of ANQA’s director, head of the Institutional and Programme Accreditation Division, members of the expert panels for the three VET institutions and coordinators.
The meeting focused on the key issues identified from the desk review of the institutions.
It was stressed that the experts should emphasise the credible award of qualifications. The discussions covered how the experts can bring out issues related to the credible award of qualifications during the site visits to the institutions.
In this context, the following issues were addressed:
- the role of alumni’s employment indicators in the credible award of qualifications;
- the connection between data-driven governance and the credible award of qualifications;
- the mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of document use;
- the formative assessment, assignments building professional competencies and skills and indicators for the achievement of intended outcomes.
It was highlighted that academic programmes should be viewed as a commitment between the education institutions and teachers to achieve the intended outcomes.
A reference was also made to the changes in the Accreditation Statute and their impact on the accreditation process.