The accreditation committee of ANQA soon will make a decision on accreditation of ten HEI’s.
YSU, YSMU, ArmSPU, SEUA, YSUAC, YSLU, YSC, ANAU, Gladzor University and Northern University are in the final stage of the accreditation process.
The accreditation committee can make three possible decisions: accreditation (for 6 years), provisional accreditation (for 2 or 4 years) and rejection.
Accreditation means that the university assures required quality of education. So it gets a chance to achieve best quality using recommendations.
Provisional accreditation means that there are some problems, and the university is given time to solve them by following recommendations for improvement. The university is given 2 years for implementation of the improvement plan if the problems are too serious and 4 years in the case of minor problems.
In the case of rejection the university must solve all the problems mentioned by experts and then apply again for accreditation.
The purpose of accreditation is to determine whether the educational services correspond to specific educational goals, they are equivalent to the requirements of the society and the government, or not.