In 2023, 15 VETs will undergo institutional accreditation with state funding. Last year, ANQA held an informative meeting in this regard, discussing further activities with the representatives of the institutions.
On January 16, a four-day workshop on the Conduct of Self-evaluation started with 75 employees of 15 VETs. During the workshop, ANQA’s specialists Varduhi Gyulazyan, Meri Barseghyan, and Anahit Terteryan presented and interpreted the institutional accreditation criteria and standards, as well as discussed the peculiarities of their interpretation in terms of VETs. Armenuhi Mheryan, the expert on the accreditation processes, is also involved in the trainings, presenting expert approaches to the interpretation and evaluation of the criteria.
During the discussions, the workshop’s participants presented the best practices of their institutions’ organization of the educational, research, and managerial activities, while ANQA’s specialists and experts provided guidance on their interpretation in the context of institutional accreditation criteria and standards.
The conduct of self-evaluation is not the only goal of accreditation. It helps identify the education institutions’ strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and existing challenges, as well as mechanisms aimed at overcoming the problems and neutralizing the risks. The self-evaluations presented within the scope of accreditation must be credible and reflect the true image of the educational institution.
Adhering to this approach, during such workshops, ANQA helps participants carry out a SWOT analysis of their own educational institutions, which is one of the main prerequisites for the conduct of a credible self-evaluation.
The workshop’s participants have already familiarized themselves with the institutional accreditation criteria and the peculiarities of their interpretation. During the next week, the participants will carry out a practical task with the help of ANQA’s specialists, which will strengthen the skills of conducting self-evaluation