On December 20, ANQA organised 2024’s last online workshop "Academic Programme Enhancement: Presenting Best Practices". More than 60 specialists from various Armenian HEIs joined the event.
Specialists from the Armenian Medical Institute presented the activities towards the enhancement of the AP "Dentistry". They emphasised that a number of changes were implemented as a result of benchmarking against foreign HEIs, including:
- the introduction of new subjects, such as "Science of Dental Materials" and "Propaedeutics of Therapeutic Dentistry";
- the revision of subject descriptions and the clarification of outcomes;
- the addition of test and practical components to final examinations;
- the enhancement of outcome mapping, enabling the systematic monitoring of the learning process and the ensurance of the intended outcomes.
Specialists from the M. Nalbandyan State University of Shirak shared the practice of an integrated practical class on the "Socio-economic, Cultural, Environmental and Political Significance of Tourism". As part of the class, students developed tourism guides, applying the knowledge acquired from various courses. It was noted that an integrated class provides an opportunity to form professional thinking and cultivate practical skills.
The workshop attached an importance to the continuous sharing of such practices, highlighting that in the future workshops, HEIs can share not only best practices, but also the lessons learnt from their experiences.