Within the TEMPUS TNE-QA project, Armenian specialists have conducted a pilot external review at Georgian universities providing transnational education. The goal of the review is to test the newly developed criteria of quality assurance for academic programs of transnational education.
Among the expert panel members were ANQA director Ruben Topchyan and specialist of ANQA Institutional and Program Accreditation Division Ani Mkrtchyan.
ANQA experts have conducted an external review at the Batumi State Maritime Academy, Akaki Tsereteli State University, and Caucasus University.
Earlier within the TNE-QA project, an external review had been conducted at the American University of Armenia, French University in Armenia and Russian-Armenian University.
TNE_QA (PROMOTING QUALITY AND RECOGNITION OF TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION IN ARMENIA AND GEORGIA) is a three-year multi-country project. The wider objective is to enhance quality, and promote regulation and recognition of transnational education provisions in Armenia and Georgia through establishing internal Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and external (EQA) quality assurance mechanisms in line with OECD/UNESCO guidelines.