ANQA’s trainings for the VETs’ representatives on “Embedment of Quality Assurance System: Conduct of Institutional Self-Evaluation” ended. These trainings focused on quality assurance system, reliable data collection and analysis, cooperation between QA manager and management staff, the integrity of management processes, correct distribution of employees’ roles, outcome-based decisions and their measurability, as well as a credible award of qualifications.
Attaching importance to the credible award of qualifications, on the last day of the training, the implementation of academic programmes and collection of necessary data proving their credibility was presented and discussed. That will give educational institutions an opportunity to evaluate the academic programmes and ensure continuous enhancement.
The reasons the teachers need to transition from traditional lectures to active learning methods were also discussed with an emphasis on the teaching process. The reasons the teachers’ goal should be to use an active learning approach instead of just giving traditional lectures were at the core of discussions as well. The primary teaching toolset was the assignments given to the students, which should be designed to get students ready for work.
In the near future, the VETs’ representatives will try to apply their skills in planning and implementing of quality assurance processes. Afterwards, discussions will be held with the managers of quality assurance and VETs’ other stakeholders for identification and dissemination of the quality assurance system’s best practices.