On the 11th of September, ANQA Specialists conducted monitoring in the Mesrop Mashtots University of Artsakh.
The QA system of the University and especially it's functioning during the COVID 19 pandemic and distance learning period is in the spotlight. It was discussed how ready the University was for risk management, how they had prepared for the new academic year.
Within the framework of monitoring, ANQA specialists held online meetings with the rector and vice-rectors, representatives of the teaching staff and students, the Quality Assurance department, and the self-assessment team.
ANQA highlights the importance of monitoring as a tool of cooperation with educational institutions. It allows ANQA to clarify the existing issues and observe the progress of the educational institution. During the COVID 19 pandemic, the cooperation with the educational institutions and the monitoring of possible issues is very important. Therefore, ANQA continues to conduct monitoring during the pandemic.
During this period, ANQA has conducted online monitoring at the Goris State University, European University, Artsakh State University, Northern University, Glatzor University, and Grigor Narekatsi University.