A regular meeting with the vice-rectors of the universities with institutional accreditation took place in ANQA. There were two questions on the agenda: the preliminary program accreditation and the development of university efficiency indicators.
Taking into consideration the need to increase the effectiveness of education quality assurance and the main issues revealed during the institutional accreditation related to the teaching and learning methods, modernization of teaching capabilities, employer engagement and etc., ANQA and MoES have made an offer to the government to make the program accreditation mandatory.
It is proposed to carry out the process in two stages: to conduct a preliminary program accreditation after the launch of the new academic program and to conduct a program accreditation after the graduation of first alumni.
The aim of the preliminary accreditation is to evaluate the compliance of the academic program outputs with the labor market needs and NQF requirements.
Now ANQA and universities with institutional accreditation discuss the approaches of the preliminary accreditation with regular meetings.
An agreement on the schedule of the next meeting was reached.
Talking about the second topic of the agenda Mr. Topchyan informed that the Government has suggested to ANQA and MoES to develop indicators for universities efficiency. Meetings with the representatives of the universities will take place to develop an acceptable method. The universities were offered to make suggestions and present their ideas.