On October 11, ANQA held a meeting with expert panels formed within the scope of the accreditation process of the French-Armenian Vocational Education Center, Sevan Multifunctional State College, Vanadzor State Medical College and Yerevan State Musical-pedagogical College named after Arno Babajanyan. The meeting aimed to initiate discussions with the expert panels on the preliminary hypotheses drawn from the outcomes of the desk review, resource observations and class observations.
ANQA's Director Ruben Topchyan attached importance to the role of education quality assurance experts as providers of solutions to educational problems. During the site visits, an emphasis will also be placed on the cultivation of the student's professional, analytical thinking alongside the purposeful enhancement of practical skills.
The meeting also covered a number of issues concerning the education provided by VET institutions:
- Performance of tasks through the use of checklists.
- Implementation of educational innovations in line with the contemporary demands and the preferences of the young generation.
- Importance of team teaching model for teachers.
It should be noted that the site visits to Yerevan State Musical-pedagogical College named after Arno Babajanyan, Sevan Multifunctional State College and French-Armenian Vocational Education Center are set to launch next week. The site visit to Vanadzor State Medical College is scheduled to start on October 23.