On October 4, another three-day training course for experts was launched at the National Center for Professional Quality Assurance (ANQA). The training is aimed at the involvement of experts in the process of VETs accreditation for the conduct of an independent, unbiased and solid external review.
On the first day of the training, an academic programme was presented as a strategy for preparing specialists. With the guidance of ANQA’s employees, the participants brought out basic principles necessary for the preparation of an academic programme as a result of which it would be possible to form not only a developed person but also a developed specialist.
The first day of training was concluded with practical work. During the second day, the participants carried out an external review of a conventional education institution and held focus group meetings with the students through "site visit" roleplay, the purpose of which was to extract information that would confirm or deny the hypotheses made in advance by the participants.
Next on, the participants will have focus group meetings with the teaching staff as well as will present their main conclusions on the hypotheses and familiarize themselves with the main principles and stages of expert work.