On the initiative of ANQA on January 20th, a meeting took place with the colleges which will undergo state-funded institutional accreditation in 2021. These colleges are Dilijan State Medical College, Vayots Dzor State Regional College, Abovyan State College op Power Engineering and Yerevan State College of Light Industry. One more college which will undergo accreditation will be chosen soon.
ANQA director Ruben Topchyan presented the procedure of institutional accreditation, the peculiarities of the process, and upcoming activities. Mr. Topchyan stressed that taking into account that the quality assurance system in colleges has been introduced relatively recently; VET institutions are being accredited for the first time, ANQA will carry out some preparatory work with colleges to be accredited.
Before the accreditation process, there will be training for colleges’ staff, then a SWOT analysis, monitoring, and enhancement report will follow.
In the end, the participants raised their questions; the preliminary schedule of the whole process was clarified.