An external review of PAARA, ANAU and NUACA will take place on March 28-April 1.
Within TEMPUS GOVERN project the stakeholder universities are undergoing an external review. The aim of the review is to evaluate the effectiveness of HEIs management and program results.
Within the external review process in each university, the expert panel will have meetings and discussions with the leadership, administration, IQA, academic program management and GOVERN project management teams, also with teaching staff and students.
One local, one international expert and one student expert are involved in expert panel. The review process is coordinated by ANQA and ASIIN specialists.
The expert panel has already conducted an external review in YSMU, YSLU, VSU, ASUE and Northern University.
GOVERN (Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development of State-of-the-art HE Management System for Efficient Changes in Line with Bologna Principles) is a three-year national project. The wider objective is to enable application of the state-of-the-art management system at Armenian HEIs for promoting effective and efficient structural changes in line with Bologna agenda thus enhancing HEIs autonomy and accountability.